I was teaching a yoga class yesterday, and the name for this blog came to me as I admired a student's toenails...florescent green. Simple, yet they made a statement. These were not just your ordinary run-of-the-mill toenails....no, these were toenails that were appreciated and loved and adorned with polish that would allow them to stand out in the crowd, so to speak. I continued to teach the class, and for a moment, thought about how lucky I am to be able to spend so much time teaching yoga and to observe such interesting and diverse yogis and yoginis.
Ok, well, it's not all about toenails...afterall, I entitled this blog "Tattoos and Toenails"...so on with the tattoos, right? It seems that tattoos have become so commonplace and mainstream these days; nearly everyone in my classes seem to have at least one tattoo...maybe not a large and obvious one, but at least one, nevertheless. From men and women in their 70s, maybe even 80s, to the young conservative mothers, permanent body art has become the norm. Some students are so covered that it is hard to take my eyes, and even my mind off of the artwork, wondering if there is a story or some sort of history that led up to this person choosing a particular design or subject. And yes, I must admit, I find myself getting closer and closer to taking the tattoo plunge myself as the idea and design continue to swirl around in my head.
So, this is my first entry in this blog. It's not my first blog, and I cannot even promise myself or readers (if there are any readers out there) to continue with any consistency. At this point, it is just an initial attempt to relay some thoughts, stories, and maybe even a bit of wisdom here and there as it relates to my life and experience as a yoga teacher...and a mother (and daughter and sister and auntie and niece), a business woman, a student, and a regular ol' flawed human.
Until later~Namaste
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